Another Halloween has come and gone, and with that, so has another round of staying up till all hours finishing costumes and spending an embarrassing amount of time in the shower trying to wash the glitter out of your hair.
Yet despite the vast amount of torn terrycloth on my bedroom floor and the stubborn Modge Podge stain on my pants, I cannot wait until next year.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Why you ask? Maybe it is the costumes, maybe it is the promise of free candy, or maybe it is just the excuse to throw a party. My guess is that it is a combination of all three. After all, party + candy + costumes = how could anyone dislike this holiday?
For those of you who wait till the last minute to think of your costumes, I am not the girl for you. I LOVE thinking of a costume. As soon as I get an idea, I usually try to rope one of my friends into doing it with me.
“Trust me, it’s going to look cute,” I promise. Usually they oblige me.
Some years my attempts have failed, but more often than not, I have been happy with the outcome. This year I cannot wait to share my costumes with you!
This year, I decided to be a cheerleader. Creative right? My college does not have a cheerleading squad, so I thought it would be cute to try to design a uniform.
After a life of DIY costumes, I must admit I am very proud of this costume. I commanded a few hours of my time, but it was worth it.
For the second night of Halloween festivities, I was an angel. My motivation behind this: glitter. Because a Halloween without glitter is a Halloween I do not want to be a part of. I’ll admit this was not one of my favorite costumes. Unfortunately, it did not turn out the way I had envisioned.
Nevertheless my Halloween was spook-tacular and I wish the same for all of yours.